Telecommunication Center Data Center Policies and Procedures


The Data Center plays a crucial role in the ongoing operations of the University. To ensure the security and reliability of systems housed within the Data Center, the following policies and procedures have been established. Role Definitions

Role Definitions

Authorized Staff are University employees who are authorized to access the Data Center.

Authorized Vendors are non-University employees who, through contractual arrangements and appropriate approvals, have access to the Data Center.

Data Center Employee is a University employee who works at the Telecommunication Center.

Visitors are individuals who visit the Data Center and must have an escort.


To maintain the security of systems within the Data Center, the following policies apply to anyone requiring access.

Access to the Data Center


  • Data Center employees, University staff and Vendors entering the Data Center must have authorization and valid University identification, or a Vendor badge with them at all times.
  • All Visitors must follow the procedures for Vistors.
  • Authorizations will be verified annually.
  • Signing in and out

Authorized Staff, Authorized Vendors and all Visitors must sign the Data Center log.  The log should document the:

  • Date
  • Name/Department or Company
  • Time in
  • Purpose of visit
  • Time out

Entrance point

Access to the Data Center is through the Telecommunication Center east entrance.

Authorized Staff access

Authorized Staff will have unrestricted access to the Data Center.


Telecommunication Center staff monitor the Data Center using live video camera feeds.


Access authorization

Authorized Staff and Vendors must be accompanied by a Telecommunication Center staff member in the Data Center until they receive authorization  for unescorted access.

University staff

University staff must be approved for unescorted access to the Data Center.

  • The supporting administrator of the staff member requesting access will pre-approve the request for access to the Data Center.
  • The Telecommunication Center manager will review  the approval and grant authorization via card access.
  • Approved staff members will be aded to the authorization card access database.


Vendor access requires sponsorship by an Authorized Staff member or the Telecommunication Center manager. Access is limited to individuals who are responsible for equipment installation and maintenance within the Data Center.


Vistors must comply with the following procedures:

  • Schedule visits through the Telecommunication Center at least 3 business days in advance by calling 417-836-4227 or emailing Steve Coffman at Unscheduled visits may be declined.
  • Enter through the Telecommunication Center east entrance.
  • Present valid identification and have it with them at all times.
  • Sign the Data Center log.

Unless approved by the Telecommunication Center mangager, Visitors must be accompanied by a Telecommunication Center, or Authorized Staff member while in the Data Center.



  • Authorized Staff responsible for equipment installation within the Data Center must provid documentation to their supporting supervisor.
  • Telecommunication Center staff may deny entry to Authorized Staff or Vendors attempting to istall equipment without approval.


Authorized Staff responsible for equipment removal from the Data Center must:

  • Provide documentation to their supporting supervisor.
  • Comply with all applicable regulations.


Authorized Staff responsible for equipment renaming equipment in the Data Center must:

  • Provide documentation to their supporting supervisor.
  • Maintain accurate records of equipment changes.